Join the 2024 CBTF Dayton Walk for a Cure image

Join the 2024 CBTF Dayton Walk for a Cure

Help ensure no family goes through the childhood brain tumor journey alone.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$30,266 towards $30,000

100 0 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donor

October 26, 2024

Day Air Ballpark, Dayton, OH

The Children's Brain Tumor Foundation (CBTF) is the nation’s leader in quality of life programs for children and families affected by brain and spinal tumors. We are asking some of our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support CBTF's important work. By supporting a Family & Friends Walk Team, you will have a direct impact on children diagnosed with brain and spinal tumors and their families.

All of the funds raised will support CBTF programming that has helped thousands of survivors and families. Your efforts can help us reach thousands more. CBTF is committed to improving the treatment, quality of life, and long-term outlook for children and families affected by a brain or spinal cord tumor. We want to make sure that no family goes through this journey alone.

Recurring Donors

21 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

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