Amy Looze's Fundraiser

Life throws you curve balls when you least expect it. When the curve ball hits the bat, you have the opportunity to swing and make a difference. Together, we can all help each other make that difference. Thank you to those that have already supported our curve balls in life. More will come, so let's keep going. And when life gives you medicine...make martinis, put one foot in front of the other, and move forward...in no particular order. I am running my first marathon and am honored to represent CBTF while I do it.
Supporting the the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation is an incredible way to help families feel loved, comforted and hopeful. Let's all continue to fight for cures and advances toward the awful diseases that hit close to home and affect families in ways that no one deserves.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for CBTF!