Elene Nemergut's Fundraiser

Support Children's Brain Tumor Foundation and my Chicago Marathon run!
Because of your donation, brain tumor families will know they are not alone!
After Diana passed away on 12/31/2015, I vowed to complete 43 races in her memory… and my intent was truly only to do 5k races… but then, 2020 hit and I joined a virtual race group, OneNY and was inspired to go further. I ran my first quarter marathon in 2021 and my first half marathon in 2021. I know I can do more! And I’ve completed over 150 races in Diana’s memory.
Now, I have to conquer the big one… a full marathon. Diana was supposed to run Chicago with her friend, Jang Mi the year she got sick… Jang Mi ran it in her honor in 2016. Now, I need to show up and do the same. I tried last year but it wasn’t my year… this year I will DO IT! Chicago, HERE I COME!!
This cause is near and dear to my heart! Please consider donating… I will make you proud!